Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka
PAKISAMA is a 34 year- old national confederation of currently 75 family farmer organizations, with 74,000 member family farmers in 36 provinces.
An ASEAN Rural Leadership Awardee (2015) and a 2015 global ILC award finalist, PAKISAMA has successfully pushed for legislations related to agrarian reform and sustainable agriculture.
Inspired by the 2014 UN Declaration of International Year of Family Farming (IYFF), it helped organize the annual multi-stakeholder national conference (KLMPE), the agriculture and rural development knowledge and policy platform (ARDKPP), and the Philippine Family Farmers Agri-Fishery-Forestry Cooperatives Federation (AgriCOOPh).
PAKISAMA is a 34-year-old national movement and confederation of small farmer, fisher, indigenous people, rural women and youth organizations dedicated to building empowered, prosperous, and caring family farmers and resilient rural communities by ensuring their asset ownership and control, productivity and resiliency, product values addition and enhanced market power and meaningful participation in policy spaces and in public programs.

With 30 partner donors and technical public and private agri-agencies at local, national, regional and international levels, and 30 full time staff and volunteers in one national and three regional offices, we are working to achieve the following:

Established immediately after the 1986 People Power Revolution with the assistance of PhilDHRRA network, it coordinated several successful national policy advocacy campaigns in asset reforms and produced a number of successful models in agri-cooperatives, sustainable agriculture, and farm rehabilitation.

Up-scaling farm business models to reach by 2022 some 150 member organizations (from current 54) and 150,000 individual family farmers (from current 30,000) in 81 provinces (from current 30)
Build an inclusive national federation of
agri-cooperatives and stronger and meaningful partnerships with other national family farmer organizations, civil society organizations, media, academe, churches, government and
inter-governmental organizations to help deliver better and broader organizational development, agri-extension, business development, and financing services to members; and
Help pass 15 new laws and improve public programs that will impact the lives of 12 million people in the agri-fishery-forestry sector in the country.