While PAKISAMA continues to campaign for land rights, it has been strengthening its capacity in building agri-based social enterprises based on sustainable agriculture. Since 2010, PAKISAMA has been providing value-chain services directly to 3,000 farmers in 12 provinces organized by 60 primary cooperatives and associations. The following are key results of project activities in July to December 2015.
OUTCOME 1: Strengthened agri-coops
– Two-day Organizational Diagnosis (OD) missions conducted in 4 agri-coops;
– Two (2) national conferences organized towards the formation of a PAKISAMA/networks national agri-cooperative federation.
OUTCOME 2: Production enhancement
– Farm planning facilitated in several agri-coops;
– Farm equipments (e.g. rice mill, corn mill) and other farm inputs acquired by 2 agricoops from government, and several project proposals prepared.
OUTCOME 3: Enlarged market access
– Continued engagement and lessons learned with institutional food purchase program, particularly in Bicol pilot;
– Inclusion of PAKISAMA in Executive-Legislative Study Mission to Brazil;
– One international conference on institutional food purchases organized;
– Enlarging market access as one of three subthemes promoted in 2015 IYFF+1 Knowledge Learning Market and Policy Engagement;
– Assessment of BanKO-PAKISAMA partnership conducted.
OUTCOME 4: Enabling environment for agri-cooperative enterprises
– 23 PAKISAMA members in 11 provinces, including 5 priority agri-coops, capacitated (consultations/coaching/mentoring) to engage in BUB 2017;
– 27 representatives from 21 agri-coops/clusters elected as LPRAT members, 3 of them as LPRAT Co-Chairs;
– At least Php8.245 million BUB projects proposed by members for 2017 BUB.
OUTCOME 5: Knowledge management
– PAKISAMA Manual on Building Cooperative-Based Full Value-Chain Agri Enterprises (1st edition) written;
– PAKISAMA website continuously improved.
OUTCOME 6: Human resource development
– PAKISAMA job and salary review, staff performance appraisal initiated.
OUTCOME 7: Financial management and sustainability
– Improvements in financial management instituted.
OUTCOME 7: Monitoring and evaluation
– Training of Trainers (TOT) on M&E and Record-Keeping conducted;
– PMEL rolled-out in 8 agri-cooperatives in May to December 2015, with organizational and farm-level data from 1,197 farmers (43% women) obtained;
– 22 PMEL activities conducted, 57 M&E volunteers (60% women) trained on M&E and Record Keeping;
– PAKISAMA strategic planning and regular management meetings organized.
Read full report: BABSEP 2015 Completion Report (July-Dec 2015)