1986-1989: PAKISAMA’s Journey Begins In 1986, President Corazon Cojuangco-Aquino was installed through the EDSA People Power Revolution, and farmers and fishers pinned their hopes on her electoral promise of a genuine comprehensive agrarian and aquatic reform. In the following years, the Philippines saw the return of formal democratic structures following twenty years of Marcos dictatorship and, sadly, the return of traditional political elites. The period also saw the ratification of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, election for the legislature in mid- 1987, local elections in 1988, and emergence of the Philippine organic movement. At this time, PAKISAMA focused on three areas, namely: advocacy for agrarian reform at the national level and in specific haciendas and estates; political education and formation of its leaders; and strengthening its capability to service the economic and other needs of its rapidly expanding membership